Passing args vs. piping to the shell functions is handled more consistently now.
There's a new "upndown" wrapper to generate a graph of all of a function's callers AND callees...
And there's an experimental method for generating a subgraph of all C functions that refer to a particular variable. (Not particularly useful for a variable with a name like "i".) For a certain class of globals, it might be a little useful.
Here 'tis:
(Note to self: Code formatted via kdevelop, "File" -> "export to html")
#use cscope to build reference files (./cscope.out by default, use set_graphdb to override name or location)
set_graphdb() { export GRAPHDB=$1; }
unset_graphdb() { unset GRAPHDB; }
build_graphdb() { cscope -bkRu ${GRAPHDB:+-f $GRAPHDB} && echo Created ${GRAPHDB:-cscope.out}...; }
# cscope queries
lsyms() { cscope ${GRAPHDB:+-f $GRAPHDB} -L0 $1 | grep -v "<global>" | grep "="; }
fdefine() { cscope ${GRAPHDB:+-f $GRAPHDB} -L1 $1; }
callees() { cscope ${GRAPHDB:+-f $GRAPHDB} -L2 $1; }
callers() { cscope ${GRAPHDB:+-f $GRAPHDB} -L3 $1; }
# show which functions refer to a set of symbols
filter_syms() { local sym cscope_line
while read -a sym; do
lsyms $sym | while read -a cscope_line; do
printf "${cscope_line[1]}\n"
# given a set of function names, find out how they're related
filter_edges() { local sym cscope_line
while read -a sym; do
fdefine $sym | while read -a cscope_line; do
grep -wq ${cscope_line[1]} ${1:-<(echo)} &&
printf "${cscope_line[1]}\t[href=\"${cscope_line[0]}:${cscope_line[2]}\"]\t/*fdefine*/\n"
callees $sym | while read -a cscope_line; do
grep -wq ${cscope_line[1]} ${1:-<(echo)} &&
printf "$sym->${cscope_line[1]}\t[label=\"${cscope_line[0]}:${cscope_line[2]}\"]\t/*callee*/\n"
callers $sym | while read -a cscope_line; do
grep -wq ${cscope_line[1]} ${1:-<(echo)} &&
printf "${cscope_line[1]}->$sym\t[label=\"${cscope_line[0]}:${cscope_line[2]}\"]\t/*caller*/\n"
# dump args one-per-line
largs() { for a; do echo $a; done; }
toargs() { local symbol
while read -a symbol; do
printf "%s " $symbol
# present list of symbols to filter_syms properly
refs() { local tfile=/tmp/refs.$RANDOM
cat ${1:+<(largs $@)} > $tfile
filter_syms $tfile <$tfile | sort -u
rm $tfile
# present list of function names to filter_edges properly
edges() { local tfile=/tmp/edges.$RANDOM
cat ${1:+<(largs $@)} > $tfile
filter_edges $tfile <$tfile
rm $tfile
# append unknown symbol names out of lines of cscope output
filter_cscope_lines() { local cscope_line
while read -a cscope_line; do
grep -wq ${cscope_line[1]} ${1:-/dev/null} || echo ${cscope_line[1]}
# given a set of function names piped in, help spit out all their callers or callees that aren't already in the set
descend() { local symbol
while read -a symbol; do
$1 $symbol | filter_cscope_lines $2
# discover functions upstream of initial set
all_callers() { local tfile=/tmp/all_callers.$RANDOM
cat ${1:+<(largs $@)} > $tfile
descend callers $tfile <$tfile >>$tfile
cat $tfile; rm $tfile
# discover functions downstream of initial set
all_callees() { local tfile=/tmp/all_callees.$RANDOM
cat ${1:+<(largs $@)} > $tfile
descend callees $tfile <$tfile >>$tfile
cat $tfile; rm $tfile
# all the ways to get from (a,b,...z) to (a,b,...z), i.e. intersect all_callers and all_callees of initial set
call_graph() { local tfile=/tmp/subgraph.$RANDOM; local args=/tmp/subgraph_args.$RANDOM
cat ${1:+<(largs $@)} > $args
cat $args | all_callers | sort -u > $tfile
comm -12 $tfile <(cat $args | all_callees | sort -u)
rm $tfile $args
# all functions downstream of callers of argument
all_callerees() { callers $1 | filter_cscope_lines | all_callees; }
# odd experimental set of calls that might help spot potential memory leaks
call_leaks() { local tfile=/tmp/graph_filter.$RANDOM
all_callerees $1 | sort -u > $tfile
comm -2 $tfile <(all_callers $2 | sort -u)
rm $tfile
# wrap dot-format node and edge info with dot-format whole-graph description
graph() { printf "digraph iftree {\ngraph [rankdir=LR, ratio=compress, concentrate=true];\nnode [shape=record, style=filled]\nedge [color="navy"];\n"; cat | sort -u; printf "}\n"; }
# filter out unwanted (as specified in “~/calltree.deny”) and/or unnecessary edges
graph_filter() { local tfile=/tmp/graph_filter.$RANDOM
cat > $tfile
grep fdefine $tfile
grep $1 $tfile | grep -vf ~/calltree.deny | cut -f1,3
rm $tfile
# how to invoke zgrviewer as a viewer
zgrviewer() { ~/bin/zgrviewer -Pdot $@; }
# how to invoke xfig as a viewer
figviewer() { xfig <(dot -Tfig $@); }
# how to create and view a png image
pngviewer() { dot -Tpng $@ -o /tmp/ct.png && gqview -t /tmp/ct.png; }
# specify a viewer
ctviewer() { pngviewer $@; }
# add color to specified nodes
colornodes() { (cat; for x in $@; do echo "$x [color=red]"; done;) }
# generate dot files
_upstream() { all_callers $1 | edges | graph_filter ${2:-caller} | colornodes $1 | graph; }
_downstream() { all_callees $1 | edges | graph_filter ${2:-callee} | colornodes $1 | graph; }
_upndown() { (all_callers $1; all_callees $1) | edges | graph_filter ${2:-callee} | colornodes $1 | graph; }
_relate() { call_graph $@ | edges | graph_filter callee | colornodes $@ | graph; }
_leaks() { call_leaks $1 $2 | edges | graph_filter ${3:-callee} | colornodes $1 $2 | graph; }
# generate dot files and invoke ctviewer
upstream() { _upstream $@ > /tmp/tfile; ctviewer /tmp/tfile; rm -f /tmp/tfile; }
downstream() { _downstream $@ > /tmp/tfile; ctviewer /tmp/tfile; rm -f /tmp/tfile; }
upndown() { _upndown $@ > /tmp/tfile; ctviewer /tmp/tfile; rm -f /tmp/tfile; }
relate() { _relate $@ > /tmp/tfile; ctviewer /tmp/tfile; rm -f /tmp/tfile; }
leaks() { _leaks $@ > /tmp/tfile; ctviewer /tmp/tfile; rm -f /tmp/tfile; }
# dot file conversions
dot2png() { dot -s36 -Tpng -o $1; }
dot2jpg() { dot -Tjpg -o $1; }
dot2html() { dot -Tpng -o $1.png -Tcmapx -o $; (echo "<IMG SRC="$1.png" USEMAP="#iftree" />"; cat $ > $1.html; }
Mac OS X users: first "touch ~/calltree.deny" and then change "grep -vf ~/calltree.deny" to "grep -v ~/calltree.deny" (remove the "f" flag). Both cscope and graphviz were easily installed using Homebrew. Downloaded the 3.9 Linux kernel, and after running cscope in the kernel/ directory, the following command produces a nice PNG:
_upstream relay_free_page_array | tee | dot2png graph.png
Jason, what's the license on this code? I've made some extensions and would like to throw it up on public version control.
Which function do you actually call to get this thing going? I only see an echo and then function definitions.
Very useful script, thanks for sharing
Thank yyou for writing this
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